旁邊那杯 scotch 是道具,跟對方聊到中途,拿起杯子呷一口,是型的。
但那杯 scotch 也有個實際作用,就是用來定驚。無數次用 Zoom 的經驗,也沒有一次像如此戰戰兢兢。
「Hi Marcus,」這個笑容很高貴,「幾好嗎你?」
看著螢幕上這位女士,緊張得連拿起杯子的力氣都沒有;我有可能是全世界第一個,用 Zoom 跟前度女友的媽媽見面的人。晚上十一時,一早洗澡了,但隆重其事是必然的,頭還是要 gel 得靚靚仔仔。
「Auntie 你好,」感覺到自己僵硬的笑容,「我 ok 呀,呢邊都仲叫安全,你嗰邊而家點樣?」兩老住在紐約,情況令人擔心,可幸伯母仍然精神爽利。
恰到好處的 small talk 之後,她有技巧地帶到正題,而其實那刻我還是不知道她找我所謂何事。「係呢,」她眉毛輕揚,「你哋...... 仲有冇聯絡?」問得咁直接,真係要飲啖酒定驚。
「間中都有 text,但係 COVID 之後好似都冇見過面。」想了想,她這樣一問,有點令人不安。「佢冇嘢嗎?」
伯母笑了笑,欲言又止,似在尋找適當的對白,終於:「我就係想你幫我睇吓佢有冇嘢。」好半天,不懂反應過來;想知多一點,但伯母似乎又不想說太多。臨睡前被這樣吊癮,十級痛苦。「I am more than happy to find out for you,不過好奇想問下,點解你唔問佢其他朋友,要問我?」
這次伯母答得爽快:「有時有啲嘢,佢對住熟嘅朋友都未必講,反而對住一啲無關痛癢嘅人,she might open up a bit。」有必要幫伯母澄清一下,其實她在美國接受教育,未退休前是華爾街一家大行的超級 banker,所以中文真係麻麻,「無關痛癢」四個字確是刺痛了我的小心靈,但我原諒她。
難得人家信任,我當然不會太慢,兩天後已經約了她在一家以前我們拍拖時候,喜歡 catch up for a quick lunch 的地方—— Chinnery。
「Dark blue?Anything bothering you?」
約會舊情人,最好約在老地方,為什麼?除了熟悉的氣氛,還有熟悉的經理。「Hello 葉生,Hello 楊小姐,好耐冇見你哋一齊嚟喇。」有啲對白,你畀定五舊水叫個經理講佢都未必交到咁真摯嘅戲,何況呢吓完全免費,老地方的威力呢。
Beef tartar 來到。蛋,落晒;酒,落一半。放在吐司上,goodness,是舊人的味道。
「估下我噚晚同邊個 Zoom?」
「Not in the mood for guessing,直接講唔該。」
「我噚晚見你媽咪特登 gel 番個頭,你知我有 gel 喺個頭瞓唔到㗎啦,咪去洗頭囉,跟住求其抹幾下就瞓著咗,今朝就頭痛喇。」
她笑得更開懷,在袋裏拿了一盒藥丸放在枱上:「Panadol 呀。」
「For M 痛㗎喎姐姐。」
Oh shit…
「Then what is it?」
「Wholly shit…… 」
「知,一早知。我話我自己唔知嘅,係我唔知原來顏色唔同,可以有咁嘅 impact。」
「Wow…… 」她看著我,「你係咪 quote 緊一個作家?」
「係,Oscar Wilde。」
她忍不住大笑:「葉生,it ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble but it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so,唔係 Oscar Wilde,係 Mark Twain 呀。」
「即係呢,我上個禮拜日,同我老細喺 Grand Hyatt 食早餐。平時嗰度嗰個時間好靜,但嗰朝好多人,好嘈,因為 staycation,let’s put it that way,嗰啲唔係平時會喺 Grand Hyatt 見到嘅人。」
「你就係 Grand Hyatt,我就係平時 Grand Hyatt 嘅客。然後,我同你之前發生嗰件事......就係呢個 COVID…...佢...... 就係 staycation 嘅住客。唔想發生嘅嘢發生咗,畀人乘虛而入。」
「我未聽過咁荒謬嘅比喻,and that’s a very mean thing to say。」
「對唔住,it’s a mean thing to say but I say what I mean。」
她若有所思了一會,說了這樣一句:「Can you give me a hug?」
「Not as what you think,」她退後一步,「but as 同路人。」
「i am in the mood中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於i am in the mood中文 在 葉朗程 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於i am in the mood中文 在 Bikepacker Min - 單車背包客 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於i am in the mood中文 在 我的ivf试管婴儿の日记 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於i am in the mood中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於i am in the mood中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於i am in the mood中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於i am in the mood中文 在 這五句你懂哪一句的中文意思? 1. I'm not in a good... 的評價
- 關於i am in the mood中文 在 心情不好英文怎麼說feeling down, depressed, in a bad mood 的評價
i am in the mood中文 在 Bikepacker Min - 單車背包客 Facebook 的最讚貼文
四年前,我請在旅途中遇到的兩位好朋友,幫我寫一段他們對我的感想。不愧是我的好朋友,所以在兩年前,我終於收到了其中一位瓦倫的回覆(我們是拖時間比賽嗎XD)。當我現在要把他們整理到書裡面時,覺得NG的片段也太好笑了,所以決定一刀未剪的放上來給大家瞧瞧,你就會知道,在路上可能會遇到什麼樣沒頭沒腦只會拼命講幹話的好朋友 :D (以下是我的翻譯,原文可以往下跳到最後)
Min是一個像金一樣純的人,她充滿愛和精神,總是穿白色衣服。她沒有騎車,而是在地球上飛行了50厘米。 不...他媽的!
-Valentin R (一位來自德國的瘋狂自行車旅人,和Min一起旅行了兩個月)
🤭我個人是很好奇, 他到底蹲了兩天看什麼東西?
🤔不要說我的書沒有德文版, 連中文都還在做編輯...
🤫到底是看了什麼啊...? XDDDD
Hey guys,
while staying for four days in Bangkok to repair audio amplifiers for rich Thai men I finally I found the time to write some sentences about Min and it was really not easy, because when I start writing something like this, I will write bullshit after three sentences. It is really not easy. Have you ever written something about another person and you have to talk good about this person while you know she is a liar and always went by train?
So the first try:
Min is pure gold. She is full of love and spirit and always wears white clothes. She is not cycling, she is flying fifty centimeters over the earth. NOOOOO fuck it!
second try:
Dear people, I have to warn you: this book is a fantasy book! If the author writes about kilometers on the bicycles she meant probably meters. When she writes bicycle she means train, when she writes tent she means three star hotel.......NOOOOO shit!
third try:
A short story about the first backpacker woman on a bicycle who travelled from Germany to Taiwan in a train
The first time I met Min was at the Turkmen embassy building in Teheran when she encountered me and asked: „Are you Vali, the German guy travelling to Uzbekistan by bike? I am Min, I also want to go there and I wanted to ask you if we can ride together?“
At this time I didn't want to know any other cyclists, somehow I was bored to hear stories of others while I was having a great adventure by myself. I enjoyed the silence and loneliness on the road since Jule, my cycle mate, left me in Istanbul. So actually I didn't want to travel with Min in the first moment, but I just answered to Min: „Well,...yes..., ok, if we get the visas we can ride together.“ So she asked for my contact and she really called me to pick up the visas.
I only had nine days left in Iran before my visa expired so we had to go really quick and I didn't know if Min was able to catch up. It was a change in rhythm for my bike tour, but when I started to know Min I found out that she is a funny girl with a burning ambition to fulfill her aim travelling by bicycle from Munich in Germany to her home country of Taiwan. A woman full of spirit and a good portion of naivety. She just started the trip without knowing what will come and without any experience of cycling and camping before this trip. She was equipped with a pop up tent, the kind of tent you have in the car for an emergency, when you are still on the highway and you get to tired to drive home. So you have this kind of round tent that you can throw and it pops up as a tent by itself. She also didn't have front panniers (bags) on her bike, so all her equipment was in the back – and also on her back, because she was wearing a backpack! Actually she was the first backpacker on a bicycle to travel from Germany to Taiwan. And that is the impressing thing about Min: she had the idea to do this trip, so she just did. She got a sponsored bike and some kind of sponsored equipment and she just took this and started the tour. She didn't think the German way like me who had to have a perfect bicycle and perfect equipment before I started. No, she just started without any spare parts for the bicycle, without any experience in cycling and camping. I never found out when she started to have this idea and why and probably she doesn't know herself even if she tells you different in this book.
So in the time in Iran we got to know each other and my mood was turning and I found out that it is nice to cycle with Min.
On day we also met Senda, an Hongkongnesian guy and in the evening Min and him were complaining about the Iranian rice, because it is not sticky so you cannot eat it with chop sticks. So you must imagine three people in front of their tents under a really nice Iranian starry sky in the desert and me as a German potato in the middle of this rice dicussion. I had to laugh for myself a lot and when I told them that I put salt in the rice when I cook it, the both got really angry. From this situation I learnt that rice must be something really important for Min, Senda and other people that eat rice as staple food. This night I decided to never cook any rice for them, because the knew it always better in terms of rice.
Senda went on to Afghanistan and Min and me went on to Mashad and we divided there to meet up in Uzbekistan again. On the way through Turkmenistan I met a crazy guy called Raimon a.k.a. Dirty Traveller and we went on together and when we left Turkmenistan we met Min again forming the golden triangle of cyclism, a dream team. Raimon is really passionate about cycling and a really lovely dude. We three had so much unique moments together, sharing the whole day together, only the nights we were divided by the thin cloth of our tents. We cycled together, we sweat together, we fighted together, we had nice evenings together while cooking nice dishes in front of our tents and having a really good time of freedom and self-determination. When I think back to this time now I have to admit that it was somehow the best time of my life. And Min was a big part of it.
If you want to know more about Min and her adventures you have to buy this book. It is totally amazing, I read it on the toilet and stayed there for two days until I finished reading. Reading this book is like breathing in the air of the Kyrgizian Plateau, it is like smelling the fart of Raimon while riding close behind him. It is just a best seller. It is the book that takes you and never leaves you. Absolute recommendation! Buy it!
i am in the mood中文 在 我的ivf试管婴儿の日记 Facebook 的最佳解答
当一对夫妻要做 #IVF试管疗程时,做丈夫的应该用什么态度来面对?常常有网友告诉我说,我的老公精子不好,可是他还是不能戒烟戒酒,好不配合。要知道,不孕症不只是女人的责任,男人也是有责任。这篇文章,是以男人的角度出发,里面分享身为丈夫应该如何帮助太太一起度过疗程,文章是英文内容,是奥莉爸爸写的,奥莉爸不会中文。分享给大家😊
IVF Journey, A Husband’s Perspective
Hi all, before reading further I would like to say this is NOT an instruction or tips for IVF and hopefully readers will understand my poorly written English. This is my journey as a father of the IVF baby girl. Why am I sharing all this? It is because my wife had a Facebook page of her IVF journey at https://facebook.com/ivfjourney2015/ and she told me that majorities (not all but most) feedback indicate husband not supportive enough to commit into a journey of IVF. I’m not a true supportive husband either, least I made up my mind to make it happen.
Let’s start with “Why IVF?”
We went for a fertilization test and results with;
Husband: Teratospermia (Human language, sperm is weak for fertilization process)
Wife: Unexplained infertility (I think this is easy to understand, there is for the confirming reason for this result and we don’t go for further test after it because it will consumes too much time and money)
We married and planned to have children late 2011, both our ages were 37 in 2015 because of late marriage. My wife introduced IVF because she does not want to give up and feels regretful in future and so do I. Maybe because I did too many regretful things in the past, now I do not want this happened to my wife. At least I do it better then ignoring it.
Preparation for IVF
Financially, I know it will involve amount of 20k – 30k “Ringgit Malaysia” in the whole process depending on the situation and this is only one chance for me. I don’t have the money for a second attempt because I need to allocate funds for delivery if success.
Mentally, I do some studies/research on IVF. The whole journey took 50 days and in one of the process my wife needs to do a self-injection daily. I quickly asked my wife “Daily injection?! Do I need to fetch you to clinic daily to do this?” She answered “No, we need to do this ourselves”. A final question from me going to be “How?!” After we sat down and discuss, we comes into conclusion and I will do the injection for her. This was the most painful and nervous moment I ever experience by poking a needle to my wife’s belly EVERYDAY!
Lifestyle, 6 months earlier. My wife told me the NO’s, NO alcohol NO smoking NO midnight wandering NO stress. I said, I will fly up to the skies like butterfly if I able to do all the NO’s. It’s like a mission impossible. How can a man like me not go out to social with friends without alcohol and smoke? The joke was sleeping early! You want me to social with my friends in breakfast or lunch time? At this time, she softly said “I really wants to have a cute baby in future, it looks more like a family. Furthermore, I don’t want to have regretful moments in future”. All these words came out of my love (wife), her words melted in my heart deeply. I told her “Ok, we will go for it BUT you will need to promise me ONE IMPORTANT thing. No matter the process success or not we only have one attempt we need to accept the truth and live happily without regret in future.” she agreed.
Commitment, this is not some empty promise. I made a huge commitment to change my lifestyle into zero alcohol, tobacco and lesser stress. If comparing the pain and suffers my wife will take in this journey e.g., injection, medication effects, hormone changes and all the effects from pregnancies to delivery, mine looks more alike small potatoes (looks much more simple). Trust me guys, don't compare it, if you do and more likely you're going loose badly. For the sake of making a better future, I had fulfilled this commitment.
IVF Journey Phase 1 “Unskilled Husband Injection”
Day 1, doctor consults us for Buserelin injection. I need to inject this medication into my wife's belly each day sharp at 8AM. The nurse had guided me side by side to do the first injection.
Day 2, I started my first injection to my wife's belly without anyone guiding beside. Feels a bit nervous because this time I'm doing it all by myself. I try to hum some music to distract my wife's from looking at the needle while injecting but still she is looking at it.
Day 3 - Day 15, sometime the injection hurting and causes bleeding/bruise to her. I need to find a new spot to inject every time and sees her bruise makes my pain in the heart too. My injection skills improved dramatically. She even told me that she doesn't feel pain like the beginning stages.
Day 16, follow up 2nd checkup. Doctor said, everything goes smoothly and added another medication to inject called Gonal-F to take home and start injecting on day 23. This message never surprises me because I've been told earlier, but just that the price to pay for this medication is quite costly.
Day 17 - Day 22, nothing much on these days and we just stick on the plan as usual.
IVF Journey Phase 2 “Stressful Night”
Day 23, Gonal F injections start today. This needle doesn't look same as those earlier, it comes with medication in it and look like a pen.
Day 24 - Day 26, side effects of the Gonal F medications started. My wife is feeling irritation at the injection site, fullness, bloating and tenderness in the lower abdomen due to the increasing size of the ovaries. Her mood changes dramatically as I can tell, but she endures it and tell me she can handle it.
Day 27, follow up 3rd checkup. Doctor said wife has eggs total of 12 and is ready for Transvaginal oocyte retrieval "Human language, Egg retrieval" at day 31.
Day 28 - Day 29, final injection of Gonal F. At day 29 night, I inject Ovidrel to wife belly to that causes the growth and release of a mature egg (ovulation) for day 31.
Day 30, resting whole day. Finally, we had a day without injection and worrying about holding any needles. Today we wondering about the egg growth, not knowing will the eggs grow more or still the same amount of 12.
Day 31, egg retrieval. 8 egg success retrieves and I give out my sperm for oocytes selection on the same day. Wife given cyclogest for oval protection after the egg retrieval.
IVF Journey Phase 3 “Hopeful Embryo Culture & Embryo Transfer”
Day 32 - Day 35, rest at home. We had pillow talk every night concerning about the growth of an embryo. We also look at sample growth stages of an embryo from the web to see what the current growth stage is.
Day 36, another hopeful and nervous morning. Doctor tells us the result of embryo culture as below;
Total Embryo Retrieve: 8
Embryo Qualified for ICSI: 6
Embryo Success until Cleavage Stage (Day 2 – Day 4): 3
Embryo Success until Blastocyst Stage (Day 5): 2
Embryo Qualified / Recommended for Transfer: 1
Both our eyes looked at each other, knowing only 1 Blastocyst Embryo available to transfer and doctor tell the same after it. I really do not know how to express both our feelings into words here, as we expected to have at least 2 Blastocyst out of 8 embryos and only left 1. We both agreed to proceed this only 1 Blastocyst transfer as this is the only choice we had. It's more likely walking on a 100ft tall string with no supports mission, a single error will fail the mission.
After the transfer process, wife given a room to rest for few hours. A nurse came and give us adjunctive medications, injections and advice while resting at room.
IVF Journey Phase 4 “The Final Moment of IVF”
Day 37 - Day 49, after the transfer. This period is known as 2WW (2 Weeks Wait) with adjunctive medications, injections and be very careful. I just let her sleep/rest more on the bed, I served her every meal in the room. We're also nervous and curious about pregnancy results on day 44, we tested with cheap pregnancy tester and get got a double line on it and we do have a little hope and joy with this result. On day 47, again we test, but this time with expensive pregnancy tester and the results double line again! We're so hopeful and happy at this moment. We really hope this result is true until the next checkup.
Day 50, final checkup. My wife goes for the hCG test by giving a sample of blood, we waited 2 hours for the results. While waiting, nurse guide us to a room to rest. Wife slept and I sat beside concerned on the hCG test results. 2 hours later, the doctor invited us to look for him. Before doctor speaks, while we are sitting down, my wife's eyes were starring in the hCG results number and she spotted the hCG number is 452. She smiles happily while doctor tells her "You are pregnant and congratulations! Come back after 2 weeks to scan for baby heartbeats. And please go out to the counter and ring the bell!”
Just Sharing My Thoughts
By all means, I’m not bragging about my success. I would like to say if anyone is planning on IVF, teamwork is very important and husband play a very important role to increase the success rate. Sometimes, I do feel like a spectator than a participant myself because I never experience any of the medical exams but this is not true. Every injection I put on her belly, I feel the pain in my heart as bad as she has on the belly. Ok, nothing much to share in this IVF journey and next time I might be sharing another journey as a Father! Here is my little baby girl Facebook page奥莉 Olivia Baby - 梁童心心 https://fb.me/oliviababylove if you wish to see her growth updates.
#ivf #ivfmalaysia #ivfjourney #baby #alphafertility
i am in the mood中文 在 這五句你懂哪一句的中文意思? 1. I'm not in a good... 的推薦與評價
【外國人嘴邊口語】 動動腦,這五句你懂哪一句的中文意思? 1. I'm not in a good mood. 2. He is a fast talker. 3. She's got a quite a wad. 4. ... <看更多>